[ENG] Last november it was my birthday and a friend of mine gave me a lovley handmade body scrub. She did it, for me!! Sea salt, almond oil, lemon zest and eucalyptus... All natural. All wonderful.
So I immediately thought about my christmas presents and asked her if she'd like to tell me how to make them. And we did prepare it not while ago, on a sunday evening while drinking margaritas. The perfect plan, isn't it?
Since I knew some of my friends would like to come, I told Tres Pompones, Tatxin Tatxan and Pilar, and they where pleased to come (not sure if the reason was the body scrub or the margaritas though...). We where lucky ( and probably thanks to a diogenes syndrome hidden there... ;) ) because Roser and Paula brought lots of essences and different type of oils so we could make a wide variety of them.
It is very easy to make (basically mix everything together and then end it with a nice "DIY" touch. If you wanna have a step by step, here I leave you this link.
[CAT] El passat novembre va ser el meu cumple, i una bona amiga em va regalar un exfoliant natural fet per ella. (Yuhu!"). Sal marina, oli d'ametlla, ratlladura de llimona i essència de llimona...Tot natural. Tot fantàstic.
Inmediatament se'm va ocórrer que seria una molt bona idea de regal de nadal i li vaig preguntar si me n'ensenyaria. Així que ho vam fer no fa massa dies enrere, un diumenge tot bebent margarites. El plan perfecte, no?
Com que vaig pensar que a algunes colegues els interessaria, vaig aviar a la Pilar, a Tres Pompones i a Tatxin Tatxan i van estar encantades de venir (no tinc clar si per l'exfoliant o pels margarites però...). Afortunadament, i molt possiblement per un síndrome de diógenes no resolt, la Roser i la Paula van dur un munt d'olis, essències i andròmines varies, així que vam poder fer un munt de combinacions al final.
És un procés super fàcil i en realitat molt ràpid de fer, però ja se sap, margarita va, margarita ve...de totes maneres us deixo aquest enllaç per si voleu saber exactament com fer-ho.
Watch out! There is a margarita at the back!! ;) |
Yes, when I'm focus I do all sort of faces... |
Part of the production |
Genial la teva foto remenant! I que bé ens van quedar!!!!!
ResponEliminaEspero que agradessin o que agradin ;)
Home, jo fent veure que treballava!!!