[ENG] Three months ago, my best friend gave birth to tiny Tanit and awesome Guerau.
I know I had to do something special appart from the bibs I already gave her. But, I was pretty sure it wasn't gonna be that something you can use all the time...I mean, it was going to be something cute. As simple and useless as that.
And they loved it!
I've known Lalylala for a while now, and this its been the perfect excuse to get some of her wonderful patterns. They are so sweet. I wish I could get all of them, and also have the time (specially the time!) to make them, but doing two as a start isn't that bad, right?
It took me a while, but to be true it was more connected to my three thousand other things I am doing right now and not the proper pattern. It has some tricky parts, but once you understand what she means, it is very simple.
So during "Sant Esteve" we did the "tió" (yes, the magic log...) again and Tanit and Guerau got their presents, Dirk the dragon and Mici the mermaid.
I hope you like them.
[CAT] Fa tres mesos, la meva millor amiga va tenir a la petita Tanit i a en guapíssim Guerau.
Sabia que havia de fer algo especial (bé, no havia, més aviat, volia...) apart dels pitets que ja els hi vaig fer fa un temps. Però estava força segura que no seria res massa útil, que poguessis fer servir tota l'estona...més aviat seria algo "mono". Tant simple i inútil com això.
I els va encantar!!
Conec Lalylala de fa ja un temps, i aquesta ha estat l'excusa perfecta apoderar-me d'algún dels seus patrons. Son tant xulos... Ojalà els tingués tots, i sobretot, sobretot, tenir el temps (especialment el temps) per fer-los. Però fer-ne dos per començar no està malament, no?
Em van dur una mica de temps, però no pel patró en sí (que tenia el seu que) sinó per les altres tres mil coses que faig alhora, entre el curro i tot plegat.
Així que durant el dinar de Sant Esteve vam tornar a fer el tió un altre cop i la Tanit i en Guerau van tenir els seus regalets, el drac Dirk i la sirena Mici.
Espero que us agradin.