
[ENG] Thank you so much for wanting to share my banner on your blog! Right now it's the only size I have (which took me a crazy amount of time to know how to do it) but I'll try to have other sizes and images soon...If you want something different, please leave me a message. Copy and paste the underneath code in a html/javascript gadget and put it wherever you prefer from your blog.Thank you!
[CAT] Moltes gràcies per voler compartir el meu banner al teu blog! Ara mateix és l'únic tamany que tinc (que m'ha costat una animalada saber com fer... ;) ) però espero tenir ben aviat altres tamanys i imatges aviat...si vols alguna cosa diferent, no dubtis en contactar-me. Copia i enganxa el codi de sota en un gadget html/javascript i posa-ho on prefereixis del blog. Gràcies!

150 pixel

150 pixel code: <a border="0" href="http://deiaies.blogspot.com.es/" target="_blank"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8527/8644898477_240bb0321f_m.jpg" /></a>

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