[ENG] You know what, I don't remember how I found the blog page for Gingermelon Dolls but it's just wonderful so today's pleased to meet you is dedicated to Shelly a really talented mum. I really can't understand where do this superwomen find the time to do everything...
If you are interested in any of the patterns she makes, just go to her Etsy page and be delighted with those wonderful dolls.
What I like from her blog is that she shows you the step by step process on making her dolls and you can really see the time and love she uses for each one of them.
Amazing results.
Pleased to Meet You, Shelly.
[CAT] Sabeu què, no recordo massa d'on vaig trobar aquest blog però Gingermelon Dolls val la pena conèixer'l sobretot si t'agrada fer nines de tela. Així que al pleased to meet you d'avui us parlaré de la Shelly una superwoman mare que no sé pas d'on treu el temps, la veritat.
Si us interessa algún dels seus patrons els podeu trobar a Etsy.
El que m'agrada del seu blog és també que ensenya pas a pas el procés de confecció de les nines i realment veus el temps i l'amor que dedica amb totes i cadascuna de les peces que fa.
Resultats espectaculars.
Pleased to Meet You, Shelly.
Step by step by Gingermelon |