[ENG] Good morning! Today I want to show you my last piece of work for a recent mum, well, for her daughter ...
A while ago, when Costura shop was still open i bought a pattern for a girl's cape that would be a present for somebody one day...and that day has arrived...for Inés. Despite my good intentions, my short knowledge in sewing made me realise (once finished) that she would be able to wear the cape when she turns about 18... However, they always say that the most important thing is the good intentions in it...and I can tell you there is a lot of that in the project.
The work has some adaptations from the original pattern. For example, it is reversible. One side has corduroy fabric and the other a world map pattern (cause her mum is from Granada and her dad from London and they met in NYC).
When little Inés will be big and tall enough to use it probably she'll prefer to have a tattoo or a piercing but she can always think that her catalan "aunt" did it with the best of intentions (or using other words, I'm gonna be the tacky aunt who give tacky presents to a teenager....)
[CAT] Bon dia! Avui us vull ensenyar un dels meus "deures" pendents per una mare recent parida o més aviat per la seva filla, la Inés.
A while ago, when Costura shop was still open i bought a pattern for a girl's cape that would be a present for somebody one day...and that day has arrived...for Inés. Despite my good intentions, my short knowledge in sewing made me realise (once finished) that she would be able to wear the cape when she turns about 18... However, they always say that the most important thing is the good intentions in it...and I can tell you there is a lot of that in the project.
The work has some adaptations from the original pattern. For example, it is reversible. One side has corduroy fabric and the other a world map pattern (cause her mum is from Granada and her dad from London and they met in NYC).
When little Inés will be big and tall enough to use it probably she'll prefer to have a tattoo or a piercing but she can always think that her catalan "aunt" did it with the best of intentions (or using other words, I'm gonna be the tacky aunt who give tacky presents to a teenager....)
[CAT] Bon dia! Avui us vull ensenyar un dels meus "deures" pendents per una mare recent parida o més aviat per la seva filla, la Inés.
Ara ja fa un temps i quan la botiga Costura encara era oberta, vaig comprar un patró d'una capa per nena que pensava seria un detall per algú algún dia i el dia va arribar...Tot i les meves bones intencions, les meves curtes nocions de costura (autodidacta a tope però amb molt bona voluntat...) la capa (o ja no sé com dir-li) potser se la podrà arribar a posar quan arribi a la majoria d'edat. No obstant, sempre diuen que el que comta és la intenció...i d'aquesta n'hi havia molta.
La peça té alguna que altra adaptació al patró original; per exemple, és reversible. Per una banda és de pana marró (quin lio intentar posar les ratlles totes del dret) i per l'altre és d'un estampat del mapa del món (vaig escollir aquest doncs és una nena internacional de mare granadina i de pare londinenc i amb uns pares que es van conèixer a New York mentre fein postdocs allà).