[ENG] Today's Pleased to Meet You should also be on the How cool is that section?! but I just want to spend a little more time with this wonderful illustrator and show you a little bit of her work.
Kate Hindley is a british illustrator settled in Birmingham (not far from the chocolate factory, as she says).
She studied illustration at Falmouth College of Art and went on to work for two years as a children's print designer in Northampton, whilst working freelance on children's books and greetings cards.
She has exhibited her work across the UK and has published different childs books.
Her illustrations are so cute! You can buy her work on etsy (although she's having a short vacation lately) and on Society6 .
Have you ever tried to wash a woolly mammoth? Well, she explains it here; and it seems difficult
And what about entering your pet monster, Sidney,...in the best pet monster in the world competition??
Pleased to Meet You, Kate
[CAT] El Pleased to Meet You d'avui potser hauria d'anar a la secció de How cool is that però és que us volia ensenyar amb més calma la feina tant xula d'aquesta il·lustradora. La Kate Hindley és una il·lustradora anglesa afincada a Birmingham (prop de la fàbrica de xocolata, com diu ella).
Va estudiar il·lustració a l'escola d'art de Falmouth i va anar a treballar per un parell d'anys com a dissenyadora infantil a Northampton, mentre treballava d'autònom fent llibres infantils i postals de felicitació.
Ha exposat a diferents punts del regne unit i ha publicat llibres infantils.
I molen tant les seves il·lustracions! Si mai les voleu comprar, en trobareu a etsy (tot i que ara està temporalment aturada) o a Society6.
I és que...heu provat mai de dutxar un mamut llanut? Bé, doncs ella ho explica aquí, i sembla prou complicat.
I què m'en dieu de presentar al vostre monstre, Sidney...al concurs de millor monstre de companyia del món???
Pleased to Meet You, Kate.
Driver Dan's story |