dilluns, 17 de desembre del 2012

DIY: Reusable Gift Tags

[ENG] A Christmas DIY...reusable gift tags for the tree, as decoration or to wrap presents...made using cornstarch and baking soda and painted with chalkboard paint, I found it here.
 You'll need:
- 1 cup cornstarch

- 2 cups baking soda- 1.5 cups water
Plus, the materials are minimal as well:
- small sauce pan- spoon - wax paper or parchment paper- cookie cutters - straw- string or twine- chalkboard paint- chalk
2. Remove pan from heat. Place dough on plate or plastic wrap to cool. Knead for five minutes when it's cool enough to touch. At this point you can store the dough in an air-tight container indefinitely, or roll it out right now.
3. Roll the dough to less than .25" thick if possible. Cut out your desired shapes with cookie cutters. Use a straw to cut out a small hole at the top of your tag for threading.
5. Once the tags are dry, apply one coat of chalkboard paint, painting the strokes vertically. Once dry, paint a second coat with horizontal strokes. Allow to dry completely - overnight would be best.
6. Condition the chalkboard by rubbing surface with chalk and erasing. Thread your tag hole with baker's twine, embroidery floss, or brown twine - something sturdy. 

1. Combine all ingredients in sauce pan on medium heat, and stir constantly until the mixture is almost too thick to stir (about 5-10 minutes).
4. Allow tags to air dry. This may take 1-3 days, depending on how thick you cut the dough.

[CAT] Un post molt nadalenc...unes etiquetes reutilizables per decorar regals, l'arbre, la casa....fet amb una pasta de "maizena" i pintat amb pintura de pissarra, ho he trobat aquí.
1 tassa de maizena
2 tasses de bicarbonat
1,5 tasses d'aigua
un pot petit
paper encerat
pintura pissarra/guix

1. Barrejar els tres primers ingredients a un pot a foc mig-baix i remena constantment (uns 5-10 minuts).
2. Un cop fora del foc i un pèl fred ves "amassant" fins a tenir una pasta homogènia que ja podràs preparar i deixar amb un gruix d'entre 5 mm i 1cm .
3. Amb l'ajuda d'un tallador de galetes fes diferents formes i fes un forat a la punta per així poder penjar-ho després.
4. Deixa assecar durant uns 3 dies (depèn del gruix).
5. Aplica una capa fina de pintura de pissarra i deixa-ho assecant fins l'endemà.
6. Aplica una capa fina de guix per donar "apresto".
7. Llest!

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