diumenge, 10 d’agost del 2014

So I repeated the Junebug Dress thanks to Royal Mail

[ENG] Do you remember the dress I sewed a while ago? Yes the Junebug dress from Craftiness Is Not Optional? Well, it ended up being pretty nice and I did as planned...sent it to my friend in England. So I went to the mail and sent is as a certified package thinking that this way it wouldn't be lost and Tesi would recieve it with no problem. 
You know what? I was wrong. Sending a certificied package doesn't mean that the person is going to recieve it, it only tells you that someone is legally recieving it the person is going to be the one you are thinking of... and in my special case it got "lost" once in England (I know because you can follow the state it is at any point and it reached Heathrow for sure) and never knew of it ever again...
So as the blog entrance says, thanks to Royal Mail (and possibly to the person who decided it would be good for her daughter on niece) I had to repeat it again...
I was quite upset since it was the first dress I ever made, but well, it was the excuse to keep on practising with the sewing machine...
I still wanted the dress to be pinkish so the top looks more or less the same (except for the buttons) but the skirt is different (I didn't have enough fabric left). I got the lovely fabric at La Famille Doudou. It is from Michael Miller and I love it. So girly.
I hope this time it gets to the right place.
[CAT] Us enrecordeu del vestit que vaig cosir no fa pas massa temps? Si, el Junebug de Craftiness Is Not Optional? Doncs el cas és que va quedar prou bé i vaig fer com tenia pensat...enviar-lo a la meva amiga a Anglaterra. Així que vaig anar a correus i el vaig enviar certificat pensant que seria la manera que no es perdés i que no passés res.
Doncs sabeu què? Que anava equivocada. Enviar un paquet certificat no t'assegura que arribi sinó que si arriba, que la persona que el rebi sigui la del remitent...i en el meu cas concret, es va "perdre" un cop va arribar a Anglaterra (i ho sé perquè es pot fer un seguiment del paquet i sé segur que a Heathrow va arribar) i no es va saber d'ell mai més...
Em va fotre força ràbia doncs era el primer vestit que cosia en la vida, però "benu", ha estat l'excusa per seguir practicant amb la màquina...
Encara volia que el vestit fos rosa, de manera que la part de dalt és igual (excepte els botons) i la faldilla és diferent (no tenia prou tela). Vaig comprar aquesta roba tant xula a La Famille Doudou. És de Michael Miller i em va encantar. Tant de nena...
I vaja, espero que aquesta vegada sí que arribi a lloc.


divendres, 8 d’agost del 2014

Let's Sew...a Bib!

[ENG] Here we are at summer again, and again I have more time to sew and do some crafty stuff. This time I used my spare time to sew a couple of bibs. Yes, two. The reason is that a friend of mine is expecting twins so I decided it could be a useful present for her. The thing is that I didn't have a pattern but I was sure I wanted something in between a t-shirt and a bib if it was possible, and luckily I found one at Diario de Naii's blog page which was perfect! 
I liked it because it looks exactly as the one I was thinking of and it was made with laminate fabric!!!But...where should I buy any laminates around? Easy...at La Famille Doudou; in fact it would be the perfect excuse to visit the shop I discovered a while ago at a fair.
I chose a couple of patterns that could fit either a boy or a girl so they can share with no problem (if that would be a problem anyway) and I sewed a 12-18 months size which I reckon is the perfect one (no idea at all!!).
I made a tiny extra for my bib and it was to include a small pocket (I know, I know, all the food and crumps and everything will fall into that space but....looks so lovely!)
So all I needed was some laminate fabric, bies tape and some snaps (which I didn't have so I used some Velcro instead) and of course my sewing machine. It didn't take me that long and I'm pretty happy with the results (as long as you don't look too close to the seams...). 
ps. I realised I could iron the fabric once I had already taken the pictures...
[CAT] Ja som de nou a l'estiu, i de nou torno a tenir temps per poder cosir i fer cosetes varies. Aquesta vegada he començat a utilitzar el meu temps lliure per fer uns pitets. I si, he dit uns...de fet un parell i la raó és bàsicament que una amiga meva està esperant bessonada i he pensat que seria un regal útil per ella. El tema és que no tenia cap patró a mà però tenia clar que volia una cosa entremig d'una samarreta i un pitet i per sort vaig trobar el patró perfecte al blog de Diario de Naii.
Em va agradar perquè era com jo ho havia pensat i a sobre vaig veure que havia fet servir tela plastificada!!! Però...on la trobaria? Fàcil...a La Famille Doudou; de fet, seria l'excusa perfecte per anar a conèixer aquesta botiga que havia descobert feia un temps a una fira.
Pel que fa a les teles vaig escollir estampats unisex així que els podràn fer servir indiferentment sense problema (en cas que fos un problema de fet)
Jo vaig incorporar un petit extra al meu pitet. Una butxaqueta al final (que si, que és on anirà a parar tooooota la porqueria, però quedava taaant guai).
Total, que tot el que vaig necessitar va ser la tela, cinta del bies i uns snaps (que no tenia així que vaig utilitzar Velcro) i per suposat la màquina. No em va dur massa temps fer-los i estic força contenta amb els resultats (això mentre no us mireu les costures massa d'aprop...)
pd. Vaig descobrir que es podien planxar just quan ja havia fet les fotos i ja els havia regalat...jejeje

dijous, 7 d’agost del 2014

Japan rules!

[ENG] Long time no see... I'm so so sorry for the delay but I totally disconnected  for the last (let me check) two and a half months!! I should be ashamed...my two fans might be worried... ;)
Anyway, I'm back and willing to catch up with you...So I'll start telling you about my amazing trip to Japan or at least giving you some ideas. Oh yes, I'm one of those lucky ones that can actually say that has been there...and it is as they say...amazing. 
There are some things I would like to suggest just in case you are planning visiting it...
You must definitely visit the Ghibli Museum in Mitaka, it was great! But you should buy tickets in advance otherwise you probably won't be able to find any tickets for the day. The souvenir shop there is very small compared to the ones found in tokyo so you can have a first glimpse there and wait to go back to the city and shop there.
If you are as thrilled with Totoro as I am you have to go to Shiro Hige's Cream Puff Factory and eat a cream puff in the shape of Totoro whilst having a coffee (with some new friends if its possible like we did...thanks Marika!!!). The place it's pretty hidden so you better have a good map and (and this is important) you must go very early in order to be able to have some Totoro because they sell them very fast....
If you are interested on buying any crafties...I suggest you have a look at the Tokyo Craft Guide because there you will find links to many amazing shops...but anyway, shops are amazing there anyway...even the 100 yen shops!!!
As you can imagine, it doesn't end here...but I was merely refering to the crafty and arty things around....
[CAT] Molts dies han passat...i la veritat és que ho sento molt perquè he estat desconectada més o menys dos mesos i mig! N'hauria d'estar avergonyida...les meves dues "fanses" segur que patien... ;)
Però no passa res, ja estic de tornada i tinc ganes de posar-me al dia...Així que començaré explicant-vos sobre el meu fantàstic viatge al Japó o si més no donant algunes idees...Ai sí, ara ja puc dir que sóc una de les afortunades que hi ha anat...i us puc dir...molt guai!
M'agradaria suggerir-vos algunes cosetes per si esteu pensant en anar-hi de visita.
Heu de visitar definitivament el  Museu Ghibli de Mitaka, a mi em va flipar (però no tinc criteri, perquè en sóc una enamorada). És important que compreu les entrades amb antelació perquè sinó no hi podreu entrar, o sigui que al tanto!
Si sou tant fans com jo, no us perdeu la Shiro Hige's Cream Puff Factory i us mengeu un Totoro farcit de crema mentres feu un cafè a la part de dalt. El lloc està mooooolt amagat així que millor portar un bon mapa o fer uns amics nous com nosaltres. I una cosa molt important, tenen un número determinat de pastissets, que quan s'han venut, s'ha acabat, així que si us voleu assegurar la jugada, aneu-hi ben aviat. També podeu telefonar per reservar...però...sabeu japonès?
Si teniu pensat comprar coses de manualitats us suggereixo que mireu la Tokyo Craft Guide perquè us dona noms i adreces d'un munt de botigues; val la pena. Però no patiu, fins i tot a les botigues de 100 yens (els tot a cent d'aquí) són una passada. 
Com us podeu imaginar, no acaba just aquí...però és estrictament una pinzellada a la cosa més arty i crafty...
The nut cracker exhibition was on

Some of the items I bought

I didn't bother to iron yet...sorry!

My new friends
Shiro-Hige's Cream Puffs
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