[ENG] Do you remember the dress I sewed a while ago? Yes the Junebug dress from Craftiness Is Not Optional? Well, it ended up being pretty nice and I did as planned...sent it to my friend in England. So I went to the mail and sent is as a certified package thinking that this way it wouldn't be lost and Tesi would recieve it with no problem.
You know what? I was wrong. Sending a certificied package doesn't mean that the person is going to recieve it, it only tells you that someone is legally recieving it the person is going to be the one you are thinking of... and in my special case it got "lost" once in England (I know because you can follow the state it is at any point and it reached Heathrow for sure) and never knew of it ever again...
So as the blog entrance says, thanks to Royal Mail (and possibly to the person who decided it would be good for her daughter on niece) I had to repeat it again...
I was quite upset since it was the first dress I ever made, but well, it was the excuse to keep on practising with the sewing machine...
I still wanted the dress to be pinkish so the top looks more or less the same (except for the buttons) but the skirt is different (I didn't have enough fabric left). I got the lovely fabric at La Famille Doudou. It is from Michael Miller and I love it. So girly.
I hope this time it gets to the right place.
[CAT] Us enrecordeu del vestit que vaig cosir no fa pas massa temps? Si, el Junebug de Craftiness Is Not Optional? Doncs el cas és que va quedar prou bé i vaig fer com tenia pensat...enviar-lo a la meva amiga a Anglaterra. Així que vaig anar a correus i el vaig enviar certificat pensant que seria la manera que no es perdés i que no passés res.
Doncs sabeu què? Que anava equivocada. Enviar un paquet certificat no t'assegura que arribi sinó que si arriba, que la persona que el rebi sigui la del remitent...i en el meu cas concret, es va "perdre" un cop va arribar a Anglaterra (i ho sé perquè es pot fer un seguiment del paquet i sé segur que a Heathrow va arribar) i no es va saber d'ell mai més...
Em va fotre força ràbia doncs era el primer vestit que cosia en la vida, però "benu", ha estat l'excusa per seguir practicant amb la màquina...
Encara volia que el vestit fos rosa, de manera que la part de dalt és igual (excepte els botons) i la faldilla és diferent (no tenia prou tela). Vaig comprar aquesta roba tant xula a La Famille Doudou. És de Michael Miller i em va encantar. Tant de nena...
I vaja, espero que aquesta vegada sí que arribi a lloc.