dimarts, 8 de maig del 2012

DIY: How to make a necklace from an old T-Shirt

[ENG] An easy DIY...doing a fabric necklace from an old T-shirt. It's been a while I saw them and I knew it wouldn't be difficult and I was right. You can make some changes like different with of cloth or mixing colours. 
[CAT] Un DIY fàcil...fer un collaret de tela a partir d'una samarreta vella. Ja feia dies que els havia vist i pensava que no podia ser gens difícil i la veritat és que és cert.
Per a fer variacions, es poden utilitzar diferents amplades de teixit així com fer barreja de colors.


  • An old T-Shirt/Samarreta vella
  • Scissors or a fabric cutter/Tisores o cutter de roda
  • Surface to cut/Suport per tallar
Us deixo amb les imatges per a poder-ho fer (extretes de A Pretty Penny)

Lay the shirt on a flat surface and start by cutting off and discarding the hem.
Posa la samarreta a una superfície plana i comença tallant pel final i descartant la vora gruixuda.

Stretch out the tubes you just made so the cotton curls itself and forms long tubes. Double up each tube, matching up the seems at one end.
Estira les tires de tela per fer que es cargolin i formin tubs. Ajunta les tires per la zona de la costura.
Group all of your tubes by size, keeping the seems together at one end.
Gather them all together, with the longest tubes on the bottom and the shortest on top - but save one!!

 Cut the tube you saved in half to make a long string. Tie the string in a knot near one end of the section of seems. Tightly wrap the string around all of the seems to cover them.
*Be careful not to get the tubes twisted or tangled as you're wrapping.
When everything is smooth and covered, tie off the other end of the string in a knot (using one of the necklacde loops if you need to.
Agrupa les tires per llargada mantenint les bores a un extrem. Posa-les totes juntes, amb les més llargues a sota i les curtes a sobre però guarda'n una!
Talla la tira que has guardat per la meitat per fer una tira llarga. Lliga-ho amb un nus aprop un dels extrems i cargola-ho al voltant de les tires vigilant que la roba no es cargoli. Un cop llest, lliga l'altre extrem amb un altre nus.

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