[ENG] I was thinking about the Christmas presents a while ago and I decided I wanted to crochet a famous tv character here in Catalunya, Mic. The thing is that I thought I would find a pattern on the internet but...oh, horror, I couldn't find any. After a while I checked again...and nothing. So finally I decided to design my very first amigurumi pattern, thinking it wouldn't be that hard...well, it wasn't that hard but it took my quite a lot of time, specially to write the pattern down and to find the perfect dimentions.
And I feel happy and proud of myself and I've decided to share my pattern with you (under a Creative Commons License; please see terms here).
If you ever try to do it will you please, please, please, mention me as the designer (wow, how I like the sound of it)? Thank you!
And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

[CAT] Ja fa un temps que li donava voltes al tema dels regals de reis i vaig pensar que un
Mic de
ganxet seria genial, així que sense perdre el temps em vaig posar a buscar un patró per la xarxa i...oh horror, no n'hi ha (o si més no jo no l'he sabut trobar)!!! Per un temps vaig esperar si algú en feia algún però res de res, alguna foto del mestre en qüestió però sense patró (en podeu trobar a
L'atelier de l'Obi o a
Ganxetades per exemple).
Total, que fa un parell de setmanes vaig decidir liar-me la manta al cap i intentar fer-lo jo soleta de zero. Pensava que només son boles i cilindres, que no seria tant complicat...i bé, tot i que no és mooooolt complicat m'ha costat força però estic suuuuuuuuper contenta amb el resultat. S'hi assembla i tot!!
I com estic tant contenta, aquí us deixo el meu patró (deixo que em tireu floretes...i critiques!!). El patró està sota una llicència de
Creative Commons, així que mira les condicions per poder citar-me correctament.
Per cert, si alguna ànima es deixa caure per aquí i mai vol fer-lo i en parla en algún blog...podríeu dir que la mare inicial de l'orgullosa criatura sóc jo?? Gràcies!!!
Abbreviations / Abreviacions
ch =
chain; cadeneta
= stitch or stitches; punts
= single crochet (US), double crochet (UK); punt baix
= double crochet (US), treble (UK); punt alt
= slip stitch; punt nan
= increase; incrementar
2 = increase by working 2 sc into one st; incrementar 2 punts en un punt
= decrease; disminuïr
2 = decrease 2 st down to one, disminuïr 2 punts a un.
= finish off; tancar
Head/ Cap
Nose/ Nas
Orange yarn / Llana taronja
Red yarn/ llana vermella
1. 6sc into magic ring 1. 6sc into magic ring
2. 2sc into each st (12) 2. 2sc into each st (12)
3. [1 sc, inc 2] x 6 (18) 3. [1 sc, inc 2] x 6 (18)
4. [2sc, inc 2] x 6 (24) 4. [2sc, inc 2] x 6 (24)
5. [3sc, inc 2] x 6 (30) 5-6: work 24 sc for 2 rounds
6. [4sc, inc 2] x 6 (36) 7. [2sc, dec 2] x 6 (18)
7. [5sc, inc 2] x 6 (42) 8. [1 sc, dec 2] x 6 (12)
8. [6sc, inc2] x 6 (48) 9. [dec 2] x 6 (6)
9-15: work 48 sc for 7 rounds 10. FO
16. [6sc, dec 2] x 6 (42)
17. [5sc, dec 2] x 6 (36)
18. [4 sc, dec 2] x 6 (30)
19. [3sc, dec 2] x 6 (24)
20. [2sc, dec 2] x 6 (18)
21. [1 sc, dec 2] x 6 (12)
22. [dec 2] x 6 (6)
23. FO
Ears / orelles
Eyes/ Ulls:
Green yarn / llana verda
White yarn/ llana blanca
1. 6sc into magic ring 1. 6sc into magic ring
2. 2sc into each st (12) 2. 2sc into each st (12)
3. 8 sc, [2 dc in next sc] x 4 (16) 3. [1 sc, inc 2] x 6 (18)
4. 12 sc, [2 dc ] x 4 (20) Make two of these and join them together using a slip stitch.
5. work 20 sc for 1 round To fill the gap in between, 4 dc and then continue with single crochet
6. FO all along. When attached to head, add 2 safety eyes.
Body/ Cos
Orange yarn / Llana taronja
1. 6sc into magic ring 20.[inc 2, 6 sc] x 6 (48) 42. [1 dec, 1 sc] x 6 (12)
2. 2sc into each st (12) 21-25. work 48 sc for 5 rounds. 43. [1 dec] x 6 (6)
3. [1 sc, inc 2] x 6 (18) 26. [inc 2, 7 sc] x 6 (54) 44. FO
4. [2sc, inc 2] x 6 (24) 27-29. work 54 sc for 3 rounds.
5-6. work 24 sc for 2 rounds 30. [1 dec, 7sc] x 6 (48)
7. [inc 2, 11 sc] x 2 (26) 31-32. work 48 sc for 2 rounds.
8-9. work 26 sc for 2 rounds 33. [1 dec, 6 sc] x 6 (42)
10. [inc 2, 12 sc] x 2 (28) 34. work 42 sc for 1 round.
11. work 28 sc for 1 round 35. [1 dec, 5 sc] x 6 (36)
12. [inc 2, 6 sc] x 4 (32) 36. work 36 sc for 1 round
13.work 32 sc for 1 round 37. [1 dec, 4 sc] x 6 (30)
14. [inc 2, 7 sc] x 4 (36) 38. work 30 sc for 1 round
15-16. work 36 sc for 2 rounds 39. [1 dec, 3 sc] x 6 (24)
17. [inc 2, 5 sc] x 6 (42) 40. work 24 sc for 1 round
18-19. work 42 sc for 1 round 41. [1 dec, 2 sc] x 6 (18)
Arms/ Braços (x 2)
Start with green yarn/ Comença amb llana verda.
1. 6sc into magic ring
2. 2sc into each st (12)
3. [1 sc, inc 2] x 6 (18)
4-9. Work 18 sc for 6 rounds.
Change colour to yellow/ Canvi de color a groc
10-14. Work 18 sc for 5 rounds.
Change colour to orange/ Canvi de color a taronja.
15-42. Work 18 sc for 27 rounds.
43. [1 dec, 1sc] x 6 (12)
(this will give the wrist shape). Start stuffing.
44.[1 sc, inc 2] x 6 (18)
45.[2sc, inc 2] x 6 (24)
*-53. Work 24 sc for 8 rounds.
54. [1 dec, 2 sc] x 6 (18)
55. [1 dec, 1 sc] x 6 (12)
56. [1 dec] x 6 (6)
57. FO
at round 46 you must join the finger while you are crocheting/ afegeix el dit a la passada 46 mentre vas fent els punts)
Finger/Dit (x2)
1. 3 sc into magic ring
2. [2 sc, inc 2] x 1 (4)
3-4: work 4 sc for 2 rounds
5. [2 sc, 1 dec] x 1 (3)
6. [1 sc, 1 dec] x 1 (2)
7. FO
Legs/ cames (x 2)
Start with yellow (començar amb groc)
1. 6sc into magic ring
2. 2sc into each st (12)
3. [1 sc, inc 2] x 6 (18)
4-10. work 18 sc for 7 rounds
change colour to orange (canvi a taronja); work 18 for 7 rounds
change to green (canvi a verd); work 18 for 14 rounds.
change colour to orange (canvi a taronja); work 18 for 14 rounds.
White yarn/ Llana blanca
1. 6sc into magic ring
2. 2sc into each st (12)
3. [2 inc next 2 st, 4sc] x 2 (16)
4. [2 inc next 4 st, 4 sc] x 2 (24)
5. [2 inc next 6 st, 6 sc] x 2 (36)
6. 4 sc, 4 dec, 28 sc (32)
7. 1 sc, 4 dec, 27 sc (28)
8. 6 dec, 16 sc (22)
9. 4 dec, 18 sc (18)
* join with the end of 47th round on leg.